What is bulimia?
Someone who suffers from bulimia frequently has episodes of binge eating which is followed by extreme guilt and he or she then engages in certain behaviors (self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, etc) to avoid gainging weight. There is a constant battle of the desire to be thin and the feeling of not having the control of consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time.
Someone who suffers from bulimia frequently has episodes of binge eating which is followed by extreme guilt and he or she then engages in certain behaviors (self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, etc) to avoid gainging weight. There is a constant battle of the desire to be thin and the feeling of not having the control of consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time.
The binge/purge cycle
Strict dieting causes one to experiece deprevation for proper nutrition which then results in extreme cravings for food. When one can not handle the feeling of depreivation from food, tension arises and then the individual eats a "fear food" which then causes them to feel extremely guilty as they broke a strict mental dietary rule. The indivudal continues to compuslivly eat as they feel like they already "messed up" and might as well continue. However, the relief binge eating brings only lasts for a short period of time as extreme guilt and the feeling of disgust start to quickly |